Welcome to FltPlan, a free flight planning service for creating and filing IFR and VFR flight plans, obtaining weather briefings and navigation logs for flights in the U.S., Bahamas, Canada, Intra-Canada, Mexico, Central America and most Caribbean airports. FltPlan offers pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight tools including: Airport/FBO Information, Approach Plates / Digital Charts, Routes with Radar Overlay, Nearby Airports, Fuel Stops, Quick Info, Area Fuel Prices, Flight Schedule Calendar, Customizable A/C Performance, Stored Routes, TOLD Card, Flight Tracking, Planned ATC Routes, Email Notifications, and Historical Flight Tracking with Weather Overlay.
Any questions pertaining to the use of CDR procedures may be directed to:
NY TRACON - Tom White – thoma.s.white@faa.gov – (516-683-2980)
NY CENTER – Bob Ocon – robert.ocon@faa.gov – (631-468-1015)